Monday, November 10, 2008

Some Thoughts on Roots...

"How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers." Psalm 1:1-3

Okay, so maybe this verse spoke to me because of the plant illustration... but it is a very good example of what happens when we follow God's commands in Scripture. In case you don't know this about me... I work at a garden center, and I am always pleased when there is a plant-to-life illustration involved in a verse! Like when Jesus talks about us being branches on the Vine, which is Christ, and the Father being the Vinedresser.

This verse (Psalm 1) is a prime example of such an illustration. A firm believer being compared to a tree... what do you think of when you think "tree"? I think of a firm-standing trunk, but not only that... I think of the massive root-system that is under the ground. The roots are drinking in water and nutrients through the soil in which the tree is firmly planted!

Look again at verse 2... "But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night." Here's where our roots come into the picture. Plant your mind the Word of God! Do not allow yourself to worry about tomorrow, or the cares that this world calls our "top priority," but rather dwell on the promises and commands that we have been given by Almighty God! (Matt. 6:25-34)

Too often I catch myself worried about the things that the world tells me should be my primary concerns in life... a good paying job, a nice car, a big house, entertainment, etc...

Especially in the area of entertainment... we live in a society that says, "entertainment is everything!" If we are not constantly being entertained, we feel as though something is missing or wrong with us. That is, actually, correct! We were never promised, nor can we ever achieve, complete satisfaction in entertainment or the things of this world.

However, I still find myself struggling with "boredom," that illusion that says, "I need to always be busy with something or else I am not fulfilled." I ought to be completely fulfilled in Christ!

Back to my original point... plant your mind, firmly, in the Word of God, SO THAT you will not be torn away from it in times of trial.

Have you ever tried to tackle a tree that is well-seasoned? How does it respond to your attack on it's structure? No, I'm not talking about a newly planted sapling here... we're talking about the tree that has been firmly rooted for quite some time... a trunk of at least 8 inches in diameter. Go ahead... run at it! Give it all you've got! Unfortunately... all you've got is probably nowhere near what it would take to uproot the tree.

In the same way, you too should be planted firmly in the understanding of the Scriptures, so that you are not easily uprooted.

We will examine the other parts of this Psalm, in greater detail, in the next few days... for now...

take some stock of your "roots." How deeply are you planted? Are you constantly expanding your understanding of Scripture and of Christ? Bury yourself deep within His Word, and you will not easily be torn from it.

Let's focus on the development of our roots... without good roots we are susceptible to disease and drought... these things will prove fatal to the shallow tree, as well as to the shallow-faithed Christian.

With these thoughts, I leave you.

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

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