Friday, August 8, 2008

"Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord." - Hebrews 12:14

I am feeling supremely inadequate to say anything about peace, right about now... I feel that I do not understand enough about peace, to give any instruction on it. I'm afraid I may have been a bit redundant, this week, in trying to lay out what peace looks like for a believer... because, quite frankly, I keep running into the same walls of inexperience every time I take the plunge. Friends, I'm not sure what else to say about peace! It's one of those things that I understand to be important in our lives, but it's not something I can claim to have attained, so I have no "formula" or "method" to give you. The only thing I know, is that these things are called the "fruit of the Spirit." So, I will call upon my God, the Lord of Heaven and earth, and I will ask Him to show me true peace...
You know, sometimes, God allows circumstances to shape us into the people He wants us to be... I think this may be one of those times for me. I'd much prefer that He just dropped a package of peace in my lap and, upon opening it, I could become the peacemaker I was meant to be! However, God seems to be more fond of growing us through pain, trials, and suffering. Beauty from ashes, so to speak. So, when the hard times come, hold on! Drop to your knees and cry out to the Father for peace and rest in HIM! It all sounds cliche' or idealistic, but what do you see the great men and women of God do in the scriptures? When God brought trials into David's life... David knew where His help came from! He would cry out to God!
Don't give in to fear and doubt, when pain and troubles come, but rest in the peace of knowing God.
Friends, I feel that this week has stretched my mind and spirit to search for peace in greater depth than I ever have before. I NEED the peace of God in my life. YOU need the peace of God in your life! It's what will get us through the spiritual droughts and famines that sometimes occur in a believer's life. The dry times... they will come... and when they do, rest in the peace and knowledge of your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
I pray that this study may have at least stirred your hearts to search deeper into the peace that only God can give. My hope is to look back on this study, five months from now, and see how the peace of God has sustained me! I hope to see growth through trials, beauty from ashes... This is my prayer for you as well. Strive for godliness in ALL aspects of your life. Therefore " far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men." (Romans 12:18)

May the Grace and Peace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, be with you all!

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