Friday, August 15, 2008

Patience: A Wrap-Up

"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful..." -Hebrews 10:23

"You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near." -James 5:8

Strengthen your hearts, friends! This week's study has been an eye-opener for me! It has been a challenge to pray for patience because, as I said before, I have been given opportunities to exercise patience... and with these I have had some success and also some failures. Thanks be to God, He is a merciful Father and I will continue to strive for growth in this area!

My hope is that you too have been convicted of impatience and that we might all strive towards godliness in our personal behavior. Let us learn to let go of the little things... A huge part of being a peacemaker (last week) is having a Christ-like patience! A huge part of having patience is understanding love (week one)... these fruits intertwine in so many ways in order to paint a beautiful picture of a life that honors Christ. What colors are missing from your painting? Which of your fruits are still lacking vibrancy? That's what this study is all about! Friends, I am daily reminded of my shortcomings... but this study has given me hope and understanding in God's promises, through His Word.

I am looking forward to taking a close look at kindness, beginning next week. I hope you all have a most wonderful weekend. Please, continue to develop patience... just because the week is over doesn't mean that we can stop growing patience in our lives. We must continue to develop ALL of these things in our lives, and never cease to pray and ask God for help in growing all of His fruit in us.

I'm afraid that's about all I have for today! Friends, may the Grace and Peace of God, Our Father, and the Lord, Jesus Christ, be with you all!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

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