Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Righteousness of God Revealed!

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, 'BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.' " - Romans 1:16-17

Alrighty! Let's look at the encouraging side of this verse, today. Yesterday we talked a bit about how the fear of man MUST NOT be our focus. We cannot be ashamed of the saving Word which has been spoken over our lives. Christ is our focus now... and we must spread His precious Name unto all the earth. Remember, we have the antidote to the disease which lies in every heart...

So, we've kinda talked about the Gospel in the past... now let's look at it's effect on our lives. The Gospel is the power of God, put on display, for the salvation of those who believe. Here's where things start to get really good! "For in it (the Bible) the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, 'BUT THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH.' "

Okay... so here's a point that is worth looking into. The part where it says, "from faith to faith," can be kind of confusing, so here's the best explanations that I could find right away...

"This may be a parallel expression to 'everyone who believes' (1:16), as if Paul were singling out the faith of each individual believer - from one person's faith to another's faith to another's and so on. Or perhaps Paul's point is that the righteousness from God is completely on the basis of faith from beginning to end." - "from faith to faith" Notes from The MacArthur Study Bible (NASB).

I figured I throw that out there, just to clear up any possible confusion on this point. So that we understand... Paul is NOT talking about different faiths... i.e. Hinduism, Buddhism, etc... but is speaking about the faith that is found within Christianity and the saving work of Christ alone. Are we clear? Good! (if not... e-mail me!)

So... here's the point that I would like to stress this morning... Personal, intentional time spent in the Word of God...

If you don't already spend time alone in the Scriptures, there are a few things you need to know about such times. This is the time where you will find personal convictions, from God's Word... The Bible is a living and active book, filled with the truths of God and instructions on a righteous life that honors Him. More so even than just this... it gives us insight into the character of the Mighty God whom we love and serve!

This is one of the most important things about the Bible. We can gain an incredible understanding of God, through His Word. We see His holiness, His righteousness, His justice, His anger, His love, His mercy, His plan of salvation... what do we see of the human nature? REBELLION! Time after time after time... we see men revile against their Creator, and we see His patience and kindness as He deals with us... This should bring incredible hope into our lives. If God hasn't destroyed the entire earth yet... and if Christ died on our behalf, already knowing all of the sins that we would commit against Him... then we should not fear drawing near to Him because of our dirtiness... He already knows! He knew what it would cost Him, He knew how broken we would be... and He loved us anyways! How do I know this? Because of what I've read in His Word!

Do you see the incredible legacy that was left for us? The Bible, the inspired Word of God, was left for us as our way to know our God better! Don't underestimate the importance of time spent in this Book!!! There are very few things which are truly important in this life... delving deep into this Book is one of those things!

By reading the Scriptures, you will understand better the character of your Savior. And by understanding Him better, you will serve Him with a more devoted heart. With a more devoted heart... you will not be ashamed of the message that you preach! Do you see how this comes full circle??? It's truly amazing!

So... if "THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH..." and if the faith that we are to live by is found in the Bible, and if the righteousness of God is revealed, the power of God for salvation, in this Book... shouldn't we be reading it EVERY DAY???

This is my challenge to you... read God's Word every day, every hour, every spare minute that you can! Read the Psalms, the book of sorrows, joys and everything in-between, and know that there were others who struggled with the same doubts and fears that you face today! Read the Old Testament history, and understand the treachery with which God's love was treated, and yet He remained faithful to His promises! Read the New Testament accounts of your Savior, and be reminded constantly of the Love with which your soul has been redeemed! Read Paul's letters to the early churches... understand the grace of God, from the view-point of a man who was once a leading persecutor against the very Body which he later loved so deeply that his own life was of no consequence to him! All of this and more is available for the encouragement of the soul that is willing to take the time to read the Word of Truth!

That's my challenge to you! Take it or leave it... but I'd suggest taking it!

Grace and Peace, dear Friends!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at afflquestions@yahoo.com .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris! I loved this post! You should like become a pastor or something! ;-)

And I have the MacArthur Study Bible (NASB) too... I LOVE it!
