Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Our Responsibility in Spreading the Gospel (The Greeting: Part 6)

"Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, which He promised beforehand through His prophets in the holy Scriptures, concerning His Son, who was born of a descendant of David according to the flesh, who was declared the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holiness, Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles for His name's sake, among whom you also are the called of Jesus Christ..." - Romans 1:1-6

Okay, so here's a thought that I didn't completely expound on yesterday...

The individual's responsibility to spread the Gospel. It is not the responsibility of pastors, alone, to bring the message of salvation to this world. It is the Great Commission, which is to every believer, to take the Gospel to every tribe and nation... in other words, to every street corner, neighborhood, business (employer or employee), and every home into which we are welcomed.

Again, if you claim Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior... there is no other route. There shouldn't be any other options in our lives. Yet, sometimes... most of the time... I fail to bring Christ into the conversation. What fear is it that keeps me from sharing the message of Christ, the only way to be saved from eternal punishment in hell? Are we so consumed with self that we cannot stop to stumbling blind man that he is headed for destruction? So it is with every unsaved soul that passes us by...

Friends, there is an urgency to spread the Gospel, which seems to be lost in the American churches today. We are taught solid doctrines... sometimes... and we sing great songs of worship... but is the urgency of Christ's message taught? "Repent or perish!" It may sound harsh, but the truth often does...

Let's suppose that you are walking along the busy streets of Las Vegas one evening (we won't try to imagine why we are there...), and you recognize the former President of the United States, George W. Bush just a little further down the sidewalk. He is talking with some other gentlemen that look like important men of business... As you are watching, a car careens from the road and is heading in their direction... Now, supposing that you are close enough, do you leave them alone because they seem intently engaged in each other's company? Or would you shout and warn them of the imminent danger that approaches? Let's take it one step further... would you risk inconveniencing these men by shoving them to the ground to keep them from harm? I would think that the answer should be quite clear! Just in case it isn't, the answer is "Yes, you should risk the inconveniencing of their agenda for the fact that, should they be killed by this car, their agenda no longer has any meaning anyways!" Too often we allow the excuses of meaningless, earthly agendas keep us from sharing the only thing that really matters!

So, you carry the antidote to the number one killing virus, with which the whole world is infected... are we so selfish that we will keep it to ourselves. This virus, sin, is certain death to every soul that it infects. Let's look again at what Paul tells us...

"through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith among all the Gentiles for His name's sake..."

"To bring about..." gives us the understanding of action and "the obedience of faith" reminds us what action is to be taken... that which Christ has commanded us. Again, the Great Commission...

Friends, I'm as guilty as anyone alive of not fulfilling this calling... I tell you, however, that in the most recent of weeks I've had my eyes opened to the urgency of the Gospel. My hope and prayer is that I will not delay any longer, but that I would speak boldly of Christ and of salvation.

Perhaps this is something that you are uncomfortable with... perhaps you don't know how to talk to people. Let me ask you this... What if someone hadn't had the courage to come to you with the message of salvation? Where would you be going when you die? Without the knowledge of your sins and your need of a savior, and without the good news of Christ's death on your behalf... you would be headed for eternal damnation and separation from God.

Friends, there is no greater disservice that we can do for someone, than to withhold salvation from their souls. Whether or not they accept our message or not, is between them and God, but you will have a clean conscience, that you pointed them in the way of truth. You did not withhold the very message of grace which covers your multitude of sins.

This is the calling on our lives... this is what Paul lived for and it's what we should be living for. If Paul had cared more about his own well-being than about Christ, then many many people would never have heard of salvation, and we wouldn't be reading this letter that he wrote...

Who do you know, that will be spending an eternity in hell unless they are showed their sins and their need for Christ? Do you wish to account for their blood? I do not write this to scare anyone into evangelizing... I write it to show you the urgency of our message! You don't know whether or not the person you work with is going to make it home tonight... they might get into a fatal accident on their way home. Is their approval worth more than their soul? Is man's approval worth more, to you, than your own soul?

If sharing your faith is something you struggle with, I ask that you would pray earnestly for God to give you boldness. You can do nothing greater, for the Kingdom, than to be a bold witness of Christ's power in your life. Fulfill the calling that is upon your life... and in everything you do, preach Christ: The Way, The Truth, and The Life!

Grace and Peace!

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