Wednesday, July 1, 2009

No Room For Boasting!

"Where then is boasting? It is excluded. By what kind of law? Of works? No, but by a law of faith. For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law." -Romans 3:27-28

In contrast to yesterday's blog... this is going to be amazingly short!

Faith in Christ trumps works! A million to one, you cannot out"do" the grace of God, through Christ Jesus' death on the cross. Since there is nothing we can "do" to be justified, by obeying and observing the Law, we see that faith is the requirement of justification.

Don't understand this to mean that we should not do good works, since we have been saved through faith in Christ. Rather, as a result of having been saved through faith in Christ, we should live as God has commanded us to live -to help the poor, the orphan, the widow- all the while understanding that NONE OF THIS will save or justify us before Him. It is only the atoning work of Christ which will redeem us, but it is the ministry of Christ which we are called to, so that "they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." (Matt. 5:16)

Basically, it is the privilege of the one who's faith has been placed in Christ, to then do good works for the glory of God. AND... in all of this, our boasting is eliminated because it is by the very act of God that we receive the faith to believe in Christ in the first place! So, works won't save us, which means no boasting there. Faith in Christ is the ONLY thing that can save us, which is from God so that boasting in ourselves is excluded! The only thing left to boast in is the One who had mercy on your soul!

Grace and Peace!

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