Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Little Recap and A Little Rant

"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse." - Romans 1:20

Okay, so... for today, just a little recap of what we've already seen in the past few verses.

I'm not going to make this a very lengthy entry, today...

So, here Paul states what he has already been hinting at in the past few verses. God's attributes are clearly seen in everything that He has created! As an aside, science is extremely useful in acknowledging the existence of a Creator. We are truly without excuse! The more studies and the more research that takes place, the more complexities we discover about cell structures and the impossibilities of evolution. And that takes us back to verse 18 where Paul talks about men suppressing the truth in unrighteousness. They see clearly the complexities of creation, and yet they continue to teach evolution in schools. Proven false theories are taught as possibilities in our public school systems!!! How's that for suppressing the truth?

Anyways, enough of that rant! I wish I could record and show you a video of my recent acquaintance, Caleb, on here! He was explaining to me about a research project that he was a part of, in which they studied the decay of uranium atoms. I don't remember what the technical term was, but it was very interesting... It basically disproved, through the scientific method, the theory of the earth being billions and billions of years old, and actually dates rocks anywhere from three to seven thousand years old! Which would put them within the account given in Scriptures!

I'm going to stop attempting to relay this information, since I'm doing a terrible job at it! I hope you get the picture, though... God's handiwork is clearly seen through creation and the study of it!

Just think, for a moment, about the sustaining nature of the earth... The natural way in which oxygen is replenished and reused by all of creation. The way in which dead plants break down into the soil and supply nutrients to new plants. Self-sustaining life... and yet not "self-sustaining," but rather, "kept in balance by God." The words of His mouth are what keeps everything from falling apart. There is another video I wish I could show you, by Loui Giglio, in which he shows the enormity of the universe, and the complexities of the tiniest structures of the human body!

Well, I think I'm gonna have to cut this one short, today... I started a little late and I have to work a little earlier than usual...

We'll get into some of the "good stuff" tomorrow (not that we haven't gotten into any good stuff already, but you know what I mean!).

Grace and Peace!

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