Monday, April 6, 2009

The Futile Speculations of the Corruptible Human Mind

"For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the incorruptible God for an image in the form of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed animals and crawling creatures." - Romans 1:21-23

"I don't believe in a God who would do that! I believe in a God who loves us and takes care of us!" ...Okay... Many of us may have heard this before. There is a large percentage of "Christians" who would claim that God really doesn't pronounce judgment on people's souls just because they don't believe in Jesus. They would tell you that God loves people, and that people who are good will go to heaven... You know, the only problem I have with this mindset is... IT'S COMPLETELY WRONG!

When did finite human beings begin to think it was okay to put an infinite God in a box and imagine Him in whatever way that they might choose??? If a person spent 30 minutes a day in the Scriptures, reading the Old Testament and the New, they would see just how Holy and intolerant of sin God really is! Let's look at the very first example that is given in Scriptures... Adam and Eve! It didn't take very long for the human race to get really messed up, did it? Adam and Eve, the very first people created by God, chose to eat of the one, single tree in the garden of Eden that they weren't allowed to eat from. What is God's response to this? Pain! Toiling work for man, enmity between the man and the serpent. Suddenly there's danger, and ultimately... death. God casts them out of the Garden, where His presence had resided with them, and they no longer have the joy of intimate communion with their Maker.

Do you see how God views sin? Does it sound like He really doesn't care too much about it? You know what, maybe that's not a very good example of God's distaste for sin... let's move into the next chapter of Genesis... So, God cast Adam and Eve out of perfect communion with Himself in Genesis chapter 3... In chapter 4... Cain murders Abel! So, here we get example 2 of how God views sin. In chapter 3 He casts Adam and Eve out of the garden, and in chapter 4 we find Him addressing the first murder trial. Cain ends up as an outcast, sentenced to wandering the earth for the rest of his life.

Are we beginning to think, yet, that God might in fact care about the sin in our lives? How can we then say that God is anything less than a perfect Judge, Holy and incapable of tolerating sin in His presence? If sin cannot be allowed to dwell in His presence, and Jesus Christ was the perfect sacrifice for the punishment of our sins... How can we say that Christ is not the Only way for us to be saved? How can we even begin to assume that our good works will help us to gain God's approval?

Do these questions sound elementary to you? They are! But even the most elementary facts of human depravity and the saving work of Christ have been ignored in many of the modern day churches! And here is where Paul's statement gains extreme legitimacy.

We see it all the time... people who believe that God is going to pardon their sins based on the fact that they have been "good people." Unfortunately, Paul also tells us that our righteous acts are like filthy rags to God. This is, again, why it is important to understand that it is by grace alone that we are saved, through faith in Christ.

What should this knowledge cause in us? Honor of the One Who is deserving of all honor! Unrelenting thankfulness for His sacrifice on our behalf! But what do we do? Where do you fall in the honor and thankfulness department? Are you speculating? Are you being foolish in your perception of God's holiness, judgment, and completed work on your behalf? Are you trying to add to the work that's been accomplished or detract from it's exclusive ability to save your soul?

There is no benefit in trying to add to the Word of God. Revelation 22:18-19 says, "I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book."

There is no need to speculate... all wisdom and understanding comes from the same God who's words are recorded in the Scriptures. We have no further wisdom to offer! We have no understanding beyond that which has been revealed through either the Scriptures or the Holy Spirit, Who communes with our spirit.

Friends, I fear that I may be delving too deeply into a subject to which I do not bring enough of a prepared knowledge and understanding of. I am distracted in my reasoning... and for this reason, I will end this entry right here.

I will sleep, pray, read and return in the morning! Hopefully in that time my thoughts will have cleared, and the troubles that cloud my mind will have passed.

To summarize the entire thought for today into fewer words... "Don't speculate about the importance of the cross, and it's effect on your salvation. Rest in the humble knowledge that it had nothing to do with you, and that God loves you in spite of yourself! Don't get caught up in yourself and forget to Whom all glory, honor, praise and thanksgiving is due!"

I leave you with these thoughts...

Grace and Peace!

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