"First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, because your faith is being proclaimed throughout the whole world." - Romans 1:8
Wow! What a testimony! Paul confirms the faith that is being displayed by the churches in Rome with these reassuring words... "because your faith is being proclaimed throughout the whole world."
This would probably have to be the equivalent of a modern-day preacher writing a letter to the home-churches in China today... There is such oppression in the churches of China, and yet they are considered the most rapidly growing churches of the world... Why is that? It is nothing short of God's glory being revealed in the lives of His people. Those who have tasted and seen that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8)... Those who are hungering and thirsting after righteousness (Matt. 5:6).
Is there anyone who doubts the sincerity of the believers in China? They are being tortured, beaten, murdered... The price of Christ upon their lips is often their lives! Does this sound like a fad to you? If so... we need to talk. As when John sent his disciples to Christ for reassurance that He was in fact the One, we would hear the same report as John did from his disciples... "Go and report to John what you have seen and heard: the BLIND RECEIVE SIGHT, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the POOR HAVE THE GOSPEL PREACHED TO THEM." (Luke 7:22b)
China has no shortage of the poor and oppressed... and neither do we! The difference between the two is that we have become too comfortable with our own agendas and our own lifestyles to be concerned with anyone else. This is not the work of Christ in our lives, but of the enemy! Do you think that God saved your wretched soul so that you could then sit back and receive as many blessings as He might pour out? By no means! We are called to support the orphan and the widow (James 1:27), to give to the poor, to help the brother who is struggling in his soul... God did not bless us just so that we might be blessed, but so that we might bless others in return. There is no glory to be found in hoarding up treasures here on earth. These treasures are merely tools to be used for the work of Christ in our lives.
That's why the "Health-and-wealth gospel" is no gospel at all, but is rather a detriment to the ears that hear such falsities preached, Sunday after Sunday. We are being taught by "churches" that God's number-one goal is to bless us! What kind of gospel is that??? The Gospel that I'm familiar with, the one that is ACTUALLY in the Scriptures, is the one that says that we will be despised and rejected by men when we follow the example of our Lord.
So, reeling it all in here... what report might Paul write about your church? Is news of your faith being proclaimed throughout the whole earth? If not... why? What are we doing wrongly, today, that might cause us to be less effective than the early churches of Rome?
Let's suppose, even, that Paul were to write a letter to just you... What words of encouragement might Paul have about your efforts for the sake of the Gospel?
Friends, I'll be the first to admit that Paul's letter to me would probably look something more like, "You need to be more bold! Do not forsake the preaching of the Gospel because you feel inadequate! There is a much higher purpose and plan for your life than any agenda you could possibly have. Your reputation isn't worth it, at the expense of their very souls, is it? Chris, speak boldly the Words which Christ has breathed into your very being!"
His encouragement to me would probably be more in the form of correction, perhaps not so pleasantly put, if in fact the Gospel is as urgent as Paul stresses in his other letters. The urgency of Christ being preached should cause us to forsake our own pursuits and instead take up the cross of Christ.
If Paul's letter would not be an encouragement to carry on in our efforts, but rather to stop whatever it is that we're pursuing and to begin the work of Christ in our lives... maybe it's time to stop and consider our purpose as believers.
I feel like I may be re-hashing this point over and over again, but I cannot help myself. You see, God is convicting me of my stagnant behavior... As He does, I am compelled to begin a chain-reaction of conviction and, hopefully, actions taken in an effort to correct this disease which spreads rapidly throughout the modern churches of America. I say this to you so that I might be held accountable as well.
The calling that I have felt upon my life, for some time now, is that of a youth minister. I cannot convey to you the sense of urgency that wells up in me when I think of our highschools and the people within them, our CHURCH YOUTH GROUPS and the lack of passion and conviction! But that is a conversation for another day...
For today... please, ask yourself this important question. "Is your faith being proclaimed throughout the whole world?" Are your actions a reflection of the love, grace and mercy of Christ within your life? Or are we still living for ourselves? Mirroring the world's desires and pursuits with our own?
I am asking myself this very question... I do not pretend to have it all together. I will admit to you, right now, that I am being broken even as I write this! There are still things in my life, which are not honoring to God. There are things which require His loving discipline and correction. But He is ever faithful! He is continuing to pour out His love and patience, goodness and mercy upon my life! There is still hope for those of us who have failed the calling that is placed on our lives, but we must act now! Don't wait any longer! Become that faithful son or daughter of the King, of whom it will be said, "Well done!" when you enter into the presence of the Father.
Friends, when it's all said and done, what greater words could be spoken of our lives except these, "They were the example of Christ to those whom they knew!"?
Grace and Peace!
Questions or Comments? E-mail me at afflquestions@yahoo.com .
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