Okay... I took a good deal of time, yesterday, to examine my roots and I am very disappointed in what I've found.
When I actually began to look at my life, who I believe myself to be, I was startled to find how shallow my roots really are! I was ashamed... my confidence and my happiness have been determined, in these past several months, by my own abilities and accomplishments. As I delved deeper into my own heart, I found an uncertainty there. There was a whispering voice, telling me that music was my only chance of success or acceptance... my only chance of being needed by anyone.
Okay, so here's a disclaimer... I am not the greatest musician in the world, but I do love music. Unfortunately I have just realized to what an unhealthy extent my love for music has reached! I have measured my worth by my abilities as a musician and a singer... what sorrow! I am poorly lacking as a skilled musician, and my voice does not have an incredible range. However, this is not the issue at hand.
The issue at hand is this... What I once used for the glory of God, I have now made my idol! Friends, this is no easy admittance! Do you think I want people to know that music has meant the world to me, and that when people seemed either passive or disinterested I felt that it was a personal attack on me? I am admiting to you my fears and my failures as an example of what a Christian ought to be. I was seeking to be fulfilled in something other than Christ.... what a futile effort! I ought to have seen this sooner...
I admit all of this to you in order that you might see my roots... I know that there are deeper roots in my life, but I have been drawing all of my sustenance from these, more shallow, surface roots. So, I now have a task before me... I must lay down my music, which I have allowed to become my primary, and once again delve deep into the rich soil of God's Word... of understanding exactly who He is to me... I need to re-discover my first love. For, if I continue on in my search of fulfillment through the things of this world, I will only come up short-handed in the end!
Where are your roots, Christian? Are you drinking deep of the Father's love and are you being satisfied, completely, in Him? Or are you struggling as well? There is no shame in struggling against our flesh... it's when we succumb and no longer resist the flesh... that is where we get ourselves into trouble!
Unfortunately... I'm going to be late for work if I don't get moving! I would ask you to pray for me... that I might rediscover my worth, which is truly in Christ! I would also ask that you take some time to examine yourself... where are you drawing your fulfillment from?
Please, feel free to share with me, via e-mail or a comment on here, about how you're doing. I'm always encouraged to see what God is revealing to His children!
Grace and Peace!
Questions or Comments? E-mail me at afflquestions@yahoo.com .
1 comment:
Wow, that was a great messeage Chris. This is something we should all be doing, and often. Thanks for writing this. I needed it today. And I will be praying for you too!
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