Friday, December 26, 2008

A Prayer...


Your mercy is unfathomable...

Your grace is endless...

Your wisdom is unsearchable...

Your plans... Your plans, O Lord, are so much greater than I could ever dream! Your ways are greater, Your thoughts are higher... Nothing compares to You!

Father, as we approach a new year, let us not forget You in the hustle and bustle of life. Lord, may we instead focus more intently on You. May we rely more heavily on You. May we seek You more diligently...

Give me the strength, O God, to seek You as You deserve to be sought after! Give me a passion, O Lord, to spread Your fame as Your fame ought to be spread over this world. Birth in me a worship that never dies out, but only continues to grow and to bring you more glory, more praise, more mouths professing You as Lord! Instill in me a desire for holiness. To be more like You in word, thought and deed.

May my actions be a direct result of my life having been changed by You, and therefore be an extension of Your hand at work among this generation.

God... all of this to say, 'I love You! ... Thank You for loving me!'


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