Isn't it sad how we can hear a certain phrase or word all of our lives and only now begin to understand what it is actually implying? I was thinking about the phrase "led me to Christ."
When someone says, "Yeah, So-and-so led me to Christ," I used to think of someone praying with someone else, for salvation... but now... I'm not so sure I'll ever see it quite like that again.
You see, yesterday the Lord painted a picture, in my head, of someone being led to Christ. It looked something like this...
I saw, instead of a prayer, a man literally leading another man to the feet of Jesus. I saw Jesus sitting there, smiling, as the men approached Him...
This is a bit different than the old scenario I used to picture. I used to see a very church-like altar call, if you will, instead of an actual leading to the actual person of Jesus Christ. Does this make any sense? If it does, then you're one step ahead of me! I'm still digesting all of this! It's and incredible way of thinking about what happens when we are sharing the Gospel with our unsaved friends!
Consider this... that instead of "praying a prayer" being the ultimate goal of your witnessing, you are trying to show them Jesus! Christ will do the rest. He already has! He is simply using you, as a tool, to draw others to Himself.
Being a tool of salvation requires, then, that we look and sound like Jesus...
How is our speech? Does it reflect a Holy and perfect God?
How about actions? Do we demonstrate a level of self-control and love that surpasses the normal inclinations of the human heart?
What about the fruits in our lives? Are we growing good fruits and displaying a deep understanding of God's Word?
I guess I'm saying all of this just to say... Be a leader! Be a guide! Be an example! Mirror Christ in all that you say and do. Do I say this because it is easy and I've already done it? You already know the answer, "Of course not!" I say this because I understand that it is what God has designed us for and called us to do. So I'm growing right along-side of you all!
Especially in this time of year, friends, let us be as the light of that Star, from so long ago... Shine brightly, friends, to show those who are seeking the Christ, where He may be found!
Be the light, dear friends!
Grace and Peace!
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