Friday, December 26, 2008

A Prayer...


Your mercy is unfathomable...

Your grace is endless...

Your wisdom is unsearchable...

Your plans... Your plans, O Lord, are so much greater than I could ever dream! Your ways are greater, Your thoughts are higher... Nothing compares to You!

Father, as we approach a new year, let us not forget You in the hustle and bustle of life. Lord, may we instead focus more intently on You. May we rely more heavily on You. May we seek You more diligently...

Give me the strength, O God, to seek You as You deserve to be sought after! Give me a passion, O Lord, to spread Your fame as Your fame ought to be spread over this world. Birth in me a worship that never dies out, but only continues to grow and to bring you more glory, more praise, more mouths professing You as Lord! Instill in me a desire for holiness. To be more like You in word, thought and deed.

May my actions be a direct result of my life having been changed by You, and therefore be an extension of Your hand at work among this generation.

God... all of this to say, 'I love You! ... Thank You for loving me!'


Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Christmas Thought... or two

Christmas... Emmanuel... God...with us...

What a concept! A child, born with the express purpose of glorifying God as nobody else ever could. With the purpose of a sacrificial death on our behalf! A life that was lived blamelessly. And today we celebrate His arrival into flesh, time, and space. The Christ, who has always been at the right hand of the Father, came down in human form to do what would have been impossible for anyone else to do...

There is no other gift that compares to eternal life... to forgiveness. We cannot give enough THINGS to ever compare to the immeasurable riches of His grace in kindness towards us!

Thank you, Jesus!

Merry Christmas, dear Friends!

May God's Grace and Peace be yours in abundance!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

A Time for Reflection

We're getting closer... Christmas is just two days away! Today was Christmas Eve-Eve!

I did something interesting today... I went shopping... it was interesting because of two things:

First, there were people still buying presents for Christmas! As if they didn't know it was coming and only found out a couple of days ago...

Secondly, there was a certain lack of joy... Do you know what I mean? Have you felt it, too? I feel like I'm in a musical version of 'Do You See What I See?'. There's a problem with society's perspective on life... but nobody seems to notice! Perhaps it's like some weird sci-fi movie where we're all sick and we can only see it in other people... maybe we're all sick, but don't know that we have caught what everyone else has.

What am I saying? I'll try to put it simply.... It's easy to judge others, but to think inwardly and reflect on personal thoughts and actions, intentions... this is harder to do. Not only is it harder, it's scarier, because we know there are things that we must change about ourselves. It's easy, though, to ignore our faults and instead find them in others.

Have you ever known someone who was very quick to point out the faults of others, but could never see that they had the same exact issues? This is what I'm talking about... Maybe we are noticing other people that seem to be missing the "Reason for the season," but don't realized that we too have gotten carried away with our gifts and preparations and have forgotten where our focus is supposed to be.

My challenge to you is to spend time in prayer and reading of God's Word, this week, and really focus in on the things that really matter. Spend some time just thinking about what the birth of Christ meant for you personally... Salvation was born that day!

I hope you will join me in reflecting, this season, on Christ's birth and eventual death and resurrection. The ONLY HOPE that this world has is Christ! If we cannot focus in on that fact... how can we expect to share it with others?

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Monday, December 22, 2008

Isn't it sad how we can hear a certain phrase or word all of our lives and only now begin to understand what it is actually implying? I was thinking about the phrase "led me to Christ."

When someone says, "Yeah, So-and-so led me to Christ," I used to think of someone praying with someone else, for salvation... but now... I'm not so sure I'll ever see it quite like that again.

You see, yesterday the Lord painted a picture, in my head, of someone being led to Christ. It looked something like this...

I saw, instead of a prayer, a man literally leading another man to the feet of Jesus. I saw Jesus sitting there, smiling, as the men approached Him...

This is a bit different than the old scenario I used to picture. I used to see a very church-like altar call, if you will, instead of an actual leading to the actual person of Jesus Christ. Does this make any sense? If it does, then you're one step ahead of me! I'm still digesting all of this! It's and incredible way of thinking about what happens when we are sharing the Gospel with our unsaved friends!

Consider this... that instead of "praying a prayer" being the ultimate goal of your witnessing, you are trying to show them Jesus! Christ will do the rest. He already has! He is simply using you, as a tool, to draw others to Himself.

Being a tool of salvation requires, then, that we look and sound like Jesus...
How is our speech? Does it reflect a Holy and perfect God?
How about actions? Do we demonstrate a level of self-control and love that surpasses the normal inclinations of the human heart?
What about the fruits in our lives? Are we growing good fruits and displaying a deep understanding of God's Word?

I guess I'm saying all of this just to say... Be a leader! Be a guide! Be an example! Mirror Christ in all that you say and do. Do I say this because it is easy and I've already done it? You already know the answer, "Of course not!" I say this because I understand that it is what God has designed us for and called us to do. So I'm growing right along-side of you all!

Especially in this time of year, friends, let us be as the light of that Star, from so long ago... Shine brightly, friends, to show those who are seeking the Christ, where He may be found!

Be the light, dear friends!

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Lord is My Only Good!

"Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.' " Matthew 7:21-23

"Preserve me, O God, for I take refuge in You. I said to the LORD, 'You are my Lord; I have no good besides You.' " Psalm 16:1-2

Here's a truth that we need to get ahold of... "You are my Lord; I have no good besides You." What a statement! What truth!

I tend to forget, from time to time, that I have no good except Christ. The reality is that "there is no one who does good, not even one." (Psalm 53:3) The only good thing that we possess is something that we could NEVER earn! It's amazing!

I'm kind of short on time, today... but that's okay. I just want to take some time to meditate on what it means to do "the will of My Father who is in heaven," and to realize that I have nothing to bring to God's table. He chose me... and He's the only good thing that I have! Praise be to God for my helplessness!

Friends, I hope these verses will bless you as they have blessed me!

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at

Monday, November 17, 2008


"But godliness actually is a means of great gain when accompanied by contentment. For we have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it either. If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content." 1 Timothy 6:6-8

"As for me, I shall behold Your face in righteousness; I will be satisfied with Your likeness when I awake." Psalm 17:15

"For He has satisfied the thirsty soul,And the hungry soul He has filled with what is good." Psalm 107:9

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." Matthew 5:6

It would seem to me... from reading these verses... that we are supposed to desire the things of God. For, only through Him can we be satisfied or content. Paul tells us that godliness is great gain when it is mixed with contentment. What do you think he means by that?

Where is the gain in godliness? It's found in the attributes of God! He is faithful to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness... isn't that gain? To not be condemned to an eternity in hell? I would call that an improvement of our circumstances!

He has promised us peace when we rest in Him. Look at the world around you... all of the worries, doubts, fears... I would say that there is a great gain, even while we are here on earth, that comes from a life that is content to rest in God!

The gains of godliness do not look like the gains of the world. However, the gains of godliness hold much more value and significance than those of the world. Job said, "Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked I shall return there. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away. Blessed be the name of the LORD." (Job 1:21) So, we see that we cannot take any of our monetary gain beyond the grave...

Let us look, though, at the gains of a life in Christ. Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control... the fruit of the Spirit. Also, the fact that we are no longer condemned, but may rest in the assurance of Salvation and knowing that we will, one day, go to our true home!

Now... let's look at what I'm not saying! I am not saying that we mustn't ever accept or concieve to own anything that is not a bare necessity. If this were the case... I wouldn't be writing this blog right now, or else I would be a self-proclaimed hypocrite!

Yes... I do own a computer, I also play guitar and own a piano... However, I use these things, which I firmly believe that God has allowed me to have, to bring Him glory. Such should be the case with all that we "own" (or rather... that which God has blessed us with).

I do not think that the things we own, in and of themselves, are inherently evil. It's when they become our all-consuming identity and everything that we strive for... that is when we are in danger of apostasy... the turning away from our God, the very One that has blessed us with everything that we own! This is when our things become idols!

Let's look again at the verse from 1 Timothy... "If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content."(6:8). So, we see that God is calling us to contentment... with the bare essentials. If we have covering (clothes... maybe a house!) and food... with these things, we should learn to be content. The things that sustain us? No! God sustains us! The things that God knows that we need in order to survive. Jesus tells us, in Matthew 6, that our Heavenly Father is faithful to provide the things that we need.

This verse has given me plenty of things to think on, today. I'm still digesting what it means to die to myself and live for Christ! I will leave you with these thoughts, and I would encourage you to take some time and think about these verses... examine yourself... where do you keep your treasures? Here on earth? I hope not! The riches of God's glory are far more lasting!

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at

Friday, November 14, 2008

Your Gift, God's Glory!

"As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God; whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies; so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 4:10-11

I love that the Word of God is living and active! I'm pretty sure I've never heard this verse before... but then again I know I have! But I love how new and applicable things can become as our circumstances change! God knows exactly what we're going to need, when we're going to need it, and He gives us the exact words of comfort, encouragement or conviction that are necessary for that moment.

Peter reminds us that we've all been gifted in different ways, as Paul talks about in Romans 12, and that those gifts are to be used FOR GOD'S GLORY! " that in all things God may be glorified through Christ Jesus, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."

Yeah! I'll "Amen!" to that! What an awesome concept... and yet so fundamental. To live our lives for Christ, since He lived and died for us. Let's look again at the example of Christ. Because, to say that He lived and died for us is not the entirety of why He came. Christ came to live a life that honored and glorified God. In the process of honoring and glorifying His Father, Christ also had the purpose of being the perfect sacrifice for our sins. So, just as Christ lived with the focus of glorifying His Father, so we should live!

So... what's your gift? Are you a master of the written word? of the spoken word? of one of the arts? Are you a minister to those who are troubled in spirit? Whatever your gift is... you have been given it for a reason! God made you, who you are, for a purpose... be sure that you use your gifts wisely. Don't let the chance of being a part of the eternal pass you by because you're so caught up in how your talent/gifting can serve you for the here-and-now! Don't misunderstand me... our gifting can usually be quite a profitable opportunity for us... but we cannot think of them as such. We MUST use them to God's glory! However, look at this part of the verse again...

"...whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies..."

This can also be applied to an area in which God has put you, as an employee or employer. So, don't misunderstand me in thinking that our gifts are never to be used for our personal gain, but the FOCUS must be on bringing God ALL of the glory. If being the best employee in your entire workforce is the way that God has given you to be a witness, then go for it! Be the best employee, but at the same time... give God the glory! Be a light in your workplace and don't let the corporate ladder take more precedence in your life than reaching the lost co-workers around you.

I may have made this whole thing more confusing than it needed to be! You may have already figured this our for yourselves. However, I will continue to proclaim the goodness of my Savior and the things which He reveals to me, through His Word!

Friends, I encourage you to take hold of that gift which God has so richly blessed you with... and use it as a sacrifice of praise and honor, back to Him!

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Thursday, November 13, 2008

A Quick Shout Out!

Hello All!

I hope you've been having a good week! As you know, if you've been reading this blog, my week has been very helpful in re-directing my focus! I'm constantly amazed at how, even in the middle of a study, God will instantly convict me of the times that I've gotten off of the straight and narrow!

Well, today has already been a pretty full day, and we're just at the 12 o'clock marker! Today I am going to Waco with the band, Courrier, and we're going to be doing a show there. Unfortunately, with all of the things going on this morning, I haven't had a lot of time to get on here and write something. So, I will hopefully catch up on everything tomorrow morning, but I just wanted to throw out a quick shout and make sure y'all know that I'm on the way to recovery! It's been a crazy time... but God is faithful to shape me as He would have me to be!

I pray that He will continue to do the same for you!

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Trunk: Our Testimony of God's Work In Us

"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1

Did you know that Paul mentions standing firm at least twelve times in his epistles to the early churches? What better example of standing firm than that of a tree? Now that we have talked about the root issues that we face... let's look at the trunk!

The trunk is the outward assurance of what's happening under the ground. When the roots grow... the trunk is also widening and becoming stronger. In the same way, a Christian's outward influence should become stronger and more sturdy (more noticeable, if you will), as he or she continues to root themselves in the rich soil of the Scriptures.
We need to become a noticeable figure on the landscape of morality, today. There are so many "scrub-brush" type people out there... the type who lack depth and leech the soil of nutrients, but do not provide any sustenance for others. Their goal is one and the same, to hoard for themselves all that the earth might offer them. There is no return or thanksgiving for what they've received.
A strong, sturdy tree, however, gives shade and yields its fruit to those who would pass by. Let's look at the call, through our actions, of a Christian... as portrayed by a tree. "Come, rest in the Shadow of the Almighty, Who lives inside of me. I am but a mirror of the peace and rest that He gives to those who trust in Him! So rest... lay down your burdens and be revived! Here! Taste the fruits of a life lived for Christ! The fruit that is produced here is good. It satisfies and does not leave you desiring other things."

The Tree of Life, which is Christ, is a strong and mighty tree! He provides His shade, which protects us from the scorching and withering heat of the sun. His fruit is more satisfying than any other food! When you taste of the "Bread of Life" He has said that we will not hunger again! Christ is the ultimate fulfillment of our every need and desire.

Does this mean that we will be invincible against the cries of the flesh? No! As I have admitted to you, the things of this world will still weigh heavily against you. However, you will always end up without complete satisfaction, anytime you eat of the fruits of this world. What the world has to offer only satisfies for the moment, but Christ is the ever-satisfying sustenance that we need.

Back to the issues of the trunk! (I am King of rabbit trails!) A good, broad trunk defies the storms of life. The mighty oak is a symbol of strength, fortitude and unshaken character. Such should be the influence of the Christian... at work, at school, at home, at our friends house.... the list goes on and on! Our neighbors ought to see our "trunk" of faith and have no doubt about its sturdiness. Such should our witness be, that all who would see our countenance in the face of adversity would marvel at the confidence which we display.
Okay... that was kinda wordy... let me rephrase that in everyday-speak! Our lives should show a confidence in God that is so great that, even in times of hardship, we do not falter in our walk... The result of this being that others would wonder what makes us so strong.

Let us strive to have trunks that do not bend in the winds of adversity, but that stand strong in the face of the most punishing persecutions that we might face. Friends! Be trees that boast greatly of God's glory and power in your lives! Remember... the oak itself comes from a tiny acorn, which is easily crushed under foot. It is only by the will and direction of God that it rises to its fullest potential! So are we, as the beloved children of God! He has chosen us, His acorns, to rise as mighty monuments and testimonies of His power in our lives! Do not presume that this is a feat that we might accomplish aside from the grace and allowance of an all-powerful Creator. We are testimonies of His work... we must not seek our own glory in any of these things. For, just as easily as God allows us to rise, He can topple the mightiest of trees with but a word from His lips!

Friends, live to the glory of God! This is my only command, my only plea! I say this as one who is also having to, daily, sacrifice my idols before the King of Glory!

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

More on Roots...

Okay... I took a good deal of time, yesterday, to examine my roots and I am very disappointed in what I've found.

When I actually began to look at my life, who I believe myself to be, I was startled to find how shallow my roots really are! I was ashamed... my confidence and my happiness have been determined, in these past several months, by my own abilities and accomplishments. As I delved deeper into my own heart, I found an uncertainty there. There was a whispering voice, telling me that music was my only chance of success or acceptance... my only chance of being needed by anyone.

Okay, so here's a disclaimer... I am not the greatest musician in the world, but I do love music. Unfortunately I have just realized to what an unhealthy extent my love for music has reached! I have measured my worth by my abilities as a musician and a singer... what sorrow! I am poorly lacking as a skilled musician, and my voice does not have an incredible range. However, this is not the issue at hand.

The issue at hand is this... What I once used for the glory of God, I have now made my idol! Friends, this is no easy admittance! Do you think I want people to know that music has meant the world to me, and that when people seemed either passive or disinterested I felt that it was a personal attack on me? I am admiting to you my fears and my failures as an example of what a Christian ought to be. I was seeking to be fulfilled in something other than Christ.... what a futile effort! I ought to have seen this sooner...

I admit all of this to you in order that you might see my roots... I know that there are deeper roots in my life, but I have been drawing all of my sustenance from these, more shallow, surface roots. So, I now have a task before me... I must lay down my music, which I have allowed to become my primary, and once again delve deep into the rich soil of God's Word... of understanding exactly who He is to me... I need to re-discover my first love. For, if I continue on in my search of fulfillment through the things of this world, I will only come up short-handed in the end!

Where are your roots, Christian? Are you drinking deep of the Father's love and are you being satisfied, completely, in Him? Or are you struggling as well? There is no shame in struggling against our flesh... it's when we succumb and no longer resist the flesh... that is where we get ourselves into trouble!

Unfortunately... I'm going to be late for work if I don't get moving! I would ask you to pray for me... that I might rediscover my worth, which is truly in Christ! I would also ask that you take some time to examine yourself... where are you drawing your fulfillment from?

Please, feel free to share with me, via e-mail or a comment on here, about how you're doing. I'm always encouraged to see what God is revealing to His children!

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Monday, November 10, 2008

Some Thoughts on Roots...

"How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers." Psalm 1:1-3

Okay, so maybe this verse spoke to me because of the plant illustration... but it is a very good example of what happens when we follow God's commands in Scripture. In case you don't know this about me... I work at a garden center, and I am always pleased when there is a plant-to-life illustration involved in a verse! Like when Jesus talks about us being branches on the Vine, which is Christ, and the Father being the Vinedresser.

This verse (Psalm 1) is a prime example of such an illustration. A firm believer being compared to a tree... what do you think of when you think "tree"? I think of a firm-standing trunk, but not only that... I think of the massive root-system that is under the ground. The roots are drinking in water and nutrients through the soil in which the tree is firmly planted!

Look again at verse 2... "But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law he meditates day and night." Here's where our roots come into the picture. Plant your mind the Word of God! Do not allow yourself to worry about tomorrow, or the cares that this world calls our "top priority," but rather dwell on the promises and commands that we have been given by Almighty God! (Matt. 6:25-34)

Too often I catch myself worried about the things that the world tells me should be my primary concerns in life... a good paying job, a nice car, a big house, entertainment, etc...

Especially in the area of entertainment... we live in a society that says, "entertainment is everything!" If we are not constantly being entertained, we feel as though something is missing or wrong with us. That is, actually, correct! We were never promised, nor can we ever achieve, complete satisfaction in entertainment or the things of this world.

However, I still find myself struggling with "boredom," that illusion that says, "I need to always be busy with something or else I am not fulfilled." I ought to be completely fulfilled in Christ!

Back to my original point... plant your mind, firmly, in the Word of God, SO THAT you will not be torn away from it in times of trial.

Have you ever tried to tackle a tree that is well-seasoned? How does it respond to your attack on it's structure? No, I'm not talking about a newly planted sapling here... we're talking about the tree that has been firmly rooted for quite some time... a trunk of at least 8 inches in diameter. Go ahead... run at it! Give it all you've got! Unfortunately... all you've got is probably nowhere near what it would take to uproot the tree.

In the same way, you too should be planted firmly in the understanding of the Scriptures, so that you are not easily uprooted.

We will examine the other parts of this Psalm, in greater detail, in the next few days... for now...

take some stock of your "roots." How deeply are you planted? Are you constantly expanding your understanding of Scripture and of Christ? Bury yourself deep within His Word, and you will not easily be torn from it.

Let's focus on the development of our roots... without good roots we are susceptible to disease and drought... these things will prove fatal to the shallow tree, as well as to the shallow-faithed Christian.

With these thoughts, I leave you.

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Howdy, Folks!

Okay... so, I've been pretty bad about posting things on here, ever since we finished the Fruit of the Spirit study. However, I'm going to begin blogging again on Monday, November 10th!

Now! Here's where YOU come in to the picture... if I don't post... I would like you to bombard my e-mail! That's right! Don't let me get away with procrastination and sleeping-in anymore! If you can help me to stay accountable, I would very much appreciate it!

So, here's to a new beginning, with no agenda and a "who-knows-what-we're-studying today" sort of format!

I'll "see" you all on Monday!

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments (or keeping me accountable) e-mail me at .

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Thoughts on Hypocrisy

"The opposite of sincerity is hypocrisy, a lie with an attractive cover." -William Gurnall, "The Christian In Complete Armour" Vol. 2

"A lie with an attractive cover." Have you ever had one of those moments? Have you ever caught yourself outside of sincerity's graces? I have! It's very easy to become a "churchy" Christian, and to give all of the right answers. We speak "Sunday School" very fluently, yet our hearts do not understand or believe the incredible things that our lips are proclaiming!

Hypocrisy, my friends! I present to you the number-one threat to the avid church-goer's relationship with Christ. Being an "avid church-goer," so to speak, becomes dangerous when we hear truths over and over, but they no longer impact us. We become familiar with all of the right answers and all of the right things to say in response to others, but we do not ever truly allow what we have heard to enter into our hearts and change the wickedness that is inherently there.

This is a dangerous place to be! How do we change it? How do we learn to be more sincere in our faith???
These questions and many others have been going through my head this morning! It has caused me to examine my life and ask the question, "Do I really believe what I'm saying?" Do I believe what I say when I pray to the God of heaven? Do I believe that there really is a God in heaven? How much do I actually believe that Christ ACTUALLY DIED and became THE ransom for my sins?
Do I believe these things to the point of such conviction that I cannot escape the truths that they bear? That I do not chance hypocrisy when I speak in a group of fellow believers?
"...for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." (Phil. 2:13) Paul shows us, in this verse, that even our will to do good comes from God.
So, our safest escape from hypocrisy is through times spent in prayer before our Maker. Plead and ask the God of Heaven to show you His truth! Ask Him to help you to believe the things that you read in Scripture. Ask Him to help you to understand and believe in the saving work of Christ's death on the cross, on your behalf. Ask God to make Himself real to you. When you have a sincerity of heart, a sincerity of mind, and sincerity is on your lips... hypocrisy will have no foothold in your Christian walk.

I would love to hear your input on this subject of hypocrisy. Please e-mail me with any questions or comments at .
Grace and Peace!

Monday, September 29, 2008


"But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs." - 1 Timothy 6:6-10

Godliness with contentment! How hard it is, sometimes, to live in contentment with what God has seen fit to bless us with!

I know that I am too often concerned with what I want, rather than the blessings that God has already given me. To be truly satisfied in all that God gives us we must first expect nothing from Him. He has promised to never leave us or forsake us... that should be enough. He says that He takes care of the lilies of the field... how much more will He take care of us?

The difference with "being taken care of" and "getting what we want" is so stark a contrast that these two should never cross each other in our minds. Our desires and our needs should never be confused when it comes to God's promise to provide for us. Remember... we are not here to be served, but to serve... just as Christ served.

The love of money has brought many churches to a place of complete ineffectiveness. We must strive to be content with what God has blessed us with! I must learn to be content, you must learn to be content! If we do not grasp this concept then we will be focused completely in the wrong direction. We must learn to fix our eyes on the things above, and to not worry about what tomorrow will bring. (Matt. 6) If we are more concerned with money than we are about our relationship with Christ.... we need to do a serious overhaul on our hearts...

Well... I'm curious... Does anyone else have any insight on these verses? I know that this passage spoke to me this morning, because lately I've been very "financially minded" and it has been a consuming line of thought for me. I need to re-center my attention to where it needs to be... on Christ! I need to be content with what I have... and thank God, daily, for providing the very air that I breathe!

That's all I have for now!

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Thursday, September 25, 2008

An Over-Due Entry... sorry...

Hey Guys! Sorry it's been a little while since I've posted anything on here... I've uhhh... really got no reasonable excuse. Sorry...

Here's an e-mail I sent out on Wed. morning... these verses really spoke to me and I hope they'll do the same for you!


Hey there!

I was just doing my devotions this morning and found something... er... "re-discovered" something that I couldn't help but share with everybody! It is true that the Word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword! Do you believe that? I do!

Here's what I read...

Proverbs 3:3-8

"Do not let kindness and truth leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.
So you will find favor and good repute in the sight of God and man.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.
Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your body and refreshment to your bones."

I'm pretty sure we are all quite familiar with these verses... at least the few in the middle. Who doesn't know Proverbs 3:5-6, right? But what I did this morning was actually pray through each part of these verses and claim the truths of God and His sovereign will over my life as I read them.

So, look again at the amazing concepts presented in this passage...

"Do not let kindness and truth leave you... write them on the tablet of your heart." Kindness and truth should be the everyday practice of a follower of Christ... which means that we should live, every single day, in the kindness and truth that we see modeled in Christ Jesus. It should be inscribed on our hearts and embedded so deeply in our souls that it is second nature to us. The end goal of this is "...favor and good repute in the sight of God and man." Obviously God is the most important one that we please, but a good reputation with those around us is also important in our attempt to be a light to those who do not know Christ.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart..." Try praying this... it's awesome!!! I'll admit it was scary at first, because I have put my trust in so many other things... but saying to God, "Lord, I want to trust You! I want to trust You with ALL of my heart! I don't want to just say it, I want to live it!" This has revived, in me, a desire to truly trust Him with everything...

" not lean on your own understanding..." This one is hard to do sometimes... I know I like to base my decisions on what I KNOW for a fact that I can accomplish. But this is a continuation of the previous thought, we are to trust God so fully that we abandon our finite and puny understanding in order to embrace the fuller and richer plans of Creator God! Don't try to live life according to the "knowledge" or "wisdom" that you already have or that the world has to offer... don't let your own "understanding" hinder you from doing the will of God. Trust that He will lead you, but don't get ahead of Him either...

"In all your ways acknowledge Him..." This one got me! I started re-praying over the areas that we just covered... I started acknowledging His control over my life. I started to acknowledge His plans for my life and my lack of understanding... Basically, we need to come to terms with the fact that God is in control... Acknowledge Him in ALL your ways and...

"...He will make your paths straight." Yeah... at this point I kinda started that laugh/cry thing where the truths of God hit you so hard you can't figure out exactly what you're supposed to do about it! I couldn't get over these words... let's dissect it a little further.
"HE will make your paths straight." God Himself will straighten out our broken and twisted paths... amazing!
"He WILL make your paths straight." His promises are never made lightly. He has said that He WILL make our paths straight! God is always faithful to His word! Praise God that He will never leave us nor forsake us! (Even though it sometimes hurts when God keeps His promises.)
"He will make your paths STRAIGHT." O how broken and beaten down are the paths of our lives, sometimes! I know mine have been crooked and unfocused lately... Here is where the verse hit me... just understanding that God will, in fact, straighten out my broken and misdirected life! By misdirected I mean that I have been chasing after all the wrong things... pursuing my plans, instead of trusting the Lord with all of my heart... and I had been leaning on my own understanding. But God... I love those two words together! But God has promised that He will take our broken and messed up lives and He will make us new... He will make our paths straight again! The passage goes on to say that it will bring healing to our bodies and refreshment to our bones! O to trust our God, to fear Him and turn away from evil... this is the life that we are called to. And in return we are told that God will guide our steps... that He will, lovingly, make our paths straight and take care of us. If we will only learn to trust Him and be satisfied in Him, He will make our paths straight, He will heal us of our brokenness and will bring rest to our weary souls. Christ once said, "Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest." (Matt. 11:28) Trust God completely with ALL of your life... lean into the grace and mercy of Christ, and rest there.

I think that is what impacted me the most with these verses... is that I have not had rest in a long time! I have been weary... and I have been leaning on my own understanding. If this is you as well, then I urge you to lean into the goodness of our Savior and to trust Him with your burdens.

Well, that's it! I hope this passage will bless you as it has blessed me!

Grace and Peace!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Let's Be World-Changers!

Now the word of the LORD came to me saying, "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations." Then I said, "Alas, Lord GOD! Behold, I do not know how to speak, because I am a youth." But the LORD said to me, "Do not say, 'I am a youth,' because everywhere I send you, you shall go, and all that I command you, you shall speak. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you," declares the LORD.
Then the LORD stretched out His hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me, "Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have appointed you this day over the nations and over the kingdoms, to pluck up and to break down, to destroy and to overthrow, to build and to plant."
Jeremiah 1:4-10

This passage has been on my heart for a few years now... I'm praying about and examining the possiblities of becoming a youth minister, traveling from church to church with a message to our youth. Friends please pray for me, pray that God would reveal His will for my life.

Take a look at your own life for a second... You too have been appointed as a prophet to the nations! We are all called to minister to the city in which we live... to our neighborhoods... we are the prophets who were called out of mediocrity and into the grander plans of our Creator! God is inviting YOU to be a part of something huge!!!

Are you perhaps struggling with the same issues as Jeremiah? Do you feel under-equipped? Do you feel afraid? Just as Paul told Timothy, "Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but rather in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example to those who believe." (1 Timothy 4:12) Be the Christian, NOW, that you are meant to be. Don't wait until after school... after college... after you get that good-paying job... NOW is the time to be the living, breathing example of God's work in your life.

Be a prophet to the nations! Don't sit back and watch the decay around you.... STAND! Stand and make a difference. We are the next generation of Christian leaders... or not! Will we fall? Will we lose so much ground that our children can barely pick things back up again? May it never be! May we never lose sight of our mission... to go and preach the Gospel to all peoples in every nation on earth! Be a light, wherever you are... don't think that you have to go to a remote village in Africa in order to be a missionary. It starts in your schools, in your workplace... wherever you are RIGHT NOW. This is your mission field... be the LIGHT!

This is the message that I want to spread to the youth around me! This is what God has laid on my heart. His Word has spoken mightily into my life, through the book of Jeremiah, and has convicted me of stagnancy. I want to make a difference... I want to make a difference!

Will you join me? Join me in prayer, join me in studying God's Word, join me in reaching out to those whom we come into contact with... let's be world-changers!

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Friday, September 19, 2008

9 Weeks Later...

"It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery." -Galatians 5:1

"But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh." -Galatians 5:16

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit." Galatians 5:22-25

"Now flee from youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart." 2 Timothy 2:22

Friends, it was these verses that spurred me on to start this study... and today marks NINE WEEKS of studying Scriptures that call us to be the men and women that God intended for us to be. I still feel weak, and I still feel small... but I am going to keep going! I'm going to press forward and continue to study God's Word daily. I will strive to understand, more deeply, what God's will is for my life, by following His commands.

I hope this study has been a blessing to you... it has been an eye-opener, for me, to the things that I need to change in life. I hope that you will continue to study the fruit of the Spirit, on your own, and possibly continue to visit this blog and see what God's doing in my life and showing me through Scriptures. I don't know if I will continue to blog every morning during the week or not, but I will try to keep it as consistent as possible.

Friends, go in the Grace and Peace of God! Be a light to the world, and shine in the darkest of places! Practice love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control...

As a finishing remark... notice how much these fruits overlap sometimes. Love is the beginning of each of the other fruits! Self-control is a culmination of love, peace, patience and gentleness! Kindness is an outward sign of love and inner peace... it speaks of the goodness that is in your life. Faithfulness is born out of love and patience... self-control can have a whole lot to do with your faithfulness as well! We must learn to develop ALL of these fruits in our lives; some of them are non-existent without the others.

So, may all of the fruits of the Spirit be yours in abundance! And may the world be changed, it's view shifted, by the example that you are of godly behavior... of Christ-likeness! Friends, that's all I have! Again, strive on for godliness... don't let the world bring you down because of the difficulties that may arise as a follower of Christ. I will continue to keep my blog e-mail and I will be checking it regularly, so you can e-mail me if you need any encouragement or advice about anything! Now... Go! Change the World!

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Thursday, September 18, 2008

"Like a city that is broken into and without walls, is a man who has no control over his spirit." Proverbs 25:28

"and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth." -Ephesians 4:24

Put on the new self! New... does this strike a chord with anyone else? For me... it's a great relief to know that I can put on the NEW self... instead of trying to patch up the old one! We were dead in our transgressions and sins, but we have been made alive through Christ. We are a new creation in Christ Jesus. This means that, no matter what we've done, there is forgiveness and newness of life when we come to Christ.

The new self is supposed to be one of righteousness and holiness, a life that glorifies God in every aspect. So... self-control... glorifying God. These things go hand in hand. I cannot be an effective example of Christ without self control. Look again at what Proverbs says, "Like a city that is broken into and without walls, is a man who has no control over his spirit." A city without walls cannot defend itself against an attack by the enemy. In the same way, I cannot defend myself against the desires of the flesh (anger, swearing, harsh words of criticism, etc...) without the Armor of God.

Friends, truly the armor that God gives us is our best defense against an un-controlled temper. The helmet of Salvation, the breastplate of Righteousness, the belt of Truth, the feet prepared with the Gospel of Peace, the shield of Faith, and the Sword of the Spirit. Let's look at these things individually:

The helmet protects our head... our minds... from being fed lies by those who would seek to question our faith and our salvation. The helmet redirects and blocks against these doubts and fears that would otherwise penetrate to our minds. Put on the helmet of Salvation!

The breastplate guards our heart... our vital organs... what causes us to function properly and effectively. Righteousness is the same guard against us becoming ineffective and having our hearts filled with sin. Righteousness is basically an intentional lifestyle that glorifies God.

Belts are typically used to support what we are wearing... the belt of truth is essential in supporting our faith in Christ. "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32. Not only does the truth set us free, but it holds up and supports our faith. Truth is also essential, because we can very easily take Scripture out of context if we are not seeking truth for the sake of truth. If we are trying to make Scripture fit our agenda, then we are not applying the belt of truth to our warfare and we WILL fail. Seek truth in your times of studying God's Word.

Feet represent movement... advancement. Feet prepared with the Gospel of Peace are the feet that will advance the Gospel message to the furthest parts of the earth. Know the message of the Gospel of Peace... "For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him." John 3:17. "...but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence..." 1 Peter 3:15.

Shields are used for defense against the blows of the enemy. When we are engaging the world in combat (or basically living everyday life), we will encounter opposition by those whom we come into contact with who do not agree with us. The conflict we find there can potentially cripple us, if we don't know how to defend our position... Faith is our shield... faith is our defense. Don't leave home without it!

The Sword is for battle... our only weapon of destruction that is mentioned. "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 2:16-17. It equips us to reprove others... to correct. It is our offensive weapon, used for the revealing of sins... the conquering of sins. The Word of God cuts through our misconceptions and fears, our doubts and our unrighteousness... it brings healing. Just as a skillful physician cuts away at the disease within our bodies, so the Word of God cuts away at our sinful pride and arrogance. The Sword is our effective offensive for advancing the Gospel.

I'm sorry if that was somewhat of a large tangent to take... But it's important that we understand the roles that this armor plays in our lives. We will not learn to be self-controlled on our own. We will need to search the Scriptures... we will need to get on our faces and beg God to deal with our impatience, with our lack of self-control, with our sinful tendencies...

Another helpful tool in self-control is Scripture memory. Memorize the verses that will help you in your defense against the areas you struggle with. You can usually find applicable verse by either looking them up in a concordance, or an online Bible... I use for a lot of my studying by topic. If you have problems dealing with anger... type in "anger" and start reading what the Scriptures say about dealing with anger and about it's destructive tendencies... Memorize the verses that stick out to you about controlling your anger.
This is obviously just one example... no matter what your problem is, look through the Scriptures to find comfort and direction on dealing with it.

Memorizing Scripture is extremely effective for self-control because the verses will come to mind when you are tempted to lose control.

So, today's lesson in a nut-shell... Memorize God's Word and apply the Armor of God to your everyday life. This is your most effective tool in becoming a self-controlled and obedient child of the Most High God.
Wow! So simple, and yet expanded to take up a sizable amount of the screen. Not to mention to provide a bit more insight and direction!

Friends, may the Armor of God be yours, may His Word never cease to be written upon your hearts! Memorize His promises and instructions, that you may LIVE!

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Yesterday Story... about Self-Control

"For the overseer must be above reproach as God's steward, not self-willed, not quick-tempered, not addicted to wine, not pugnacious, not fond of sordid gain, but hospitable, loving what is good, sensible, just, devout, self-controlled, holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict." -Titus 1:7-9

....I feel ridiculous... I think God actually took me seriously, yesterday, when I asked Him to help me with self-control! And yes, I failed miserably... I was bombarded with opportunities to exercise self-control... but it seems like everything that occurred, yesterday, affected me much more strongly than usual. For no apparent reason, every little thing that happened was magnified, in my mind, about a thousand times. I finally realized this... at about 6:30... right before we were going to our prayer meeting.... Yeah... nothing says "Call me a hypocrite!" like walking into a prayer meeting after having the most un-self-controlled day, after spending the first hour and a half in that morning blogging on self-control!!!

You know... the amazing thing about walking into a prayer meeting with that mentality, though... I was humbled. I was ready to hear what God had to say. When we are at the end of ourselves is when God is able to work in us. It's almost like He says, "Oh, good! You're done trying to figure things out on your own! Now I'll show you how I am going to do it!"

All of that to say... It's time to stop pretending I/we can do this on our own! I need GOD to do a work in me... YOU need GOD to do a work in you... We cannot do this on our own! We are too weak, in our own strength, to fight the battles that God has for us. We cannot ignore the spiritual battles that take place within us! They are real and they are taking place in our lives, daily! My day, yesterday, was filled with inward conflict... the desires of the flesh, the desires of my heart, the desires and commands of God... everything was warring within me. Friends, I stupidly tried to handle it all on my own... what a failure of a day!

I'm sharing this with you, because maybe you had a day similar to mine. Maybe you asked God to show you where you need to work on self-control... and what I found was that I didn't really have a very good grasp on self-control at all! Yesterday was somewhere around the worst day that I've had, as far as an attitude goes, in months! I haven't had such a bad day in quite a while... Why do you think that is? Because I was being made aware of my current position in self-control! I was being shown my "red dot" on the map. You know... the "You are HERE!" dot that shows you where you are in a large building. What I found out was that I was about as far from my destination as I could possibly get! It was like looking at a map, at a kiosk, and seeing your red dot, right at the edge of the building that you just walked into... then you realize that your destination is on the exact opposite side of the building! You didn't realize how far you were from your goal! I certainly didn't realize how far I have to go...

Friends, I'm hoping to have a much more God-directed day, today. I would encourage you to pray for God's help again... if you failed half as much as I did yesterday... pray that God would now take control of the situation and help you to be peaceable, and self-controlled. Admit to God that you cannot do this on your own. It's hard to say, "God I have no idea what I'm doing!", but it sure does open us up to His will and His plan for our lives. Be honest with yourself, before God, about your current standings in self-control... Admit your "red dot" to God, and ask Him to help you get to the other side.

That's about all I have for today. I just wanted to share with you that it really does work when you ask God to show you things that need change in your life. He is faithful! I will say it again and again! Remember, though, that there is also forgiveness of sins and failures... He is faithful there too!

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


"Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence, and in your moral excellence, knowledge, and in your knowledge, self-control, and in your self-control, perseverance, and in your perseverance, godliness, and in your godliness, brotherly kindness, and in your brotherly kindness, love." -2 Peter 1:5-7

Self-Control - Control or restraint of oneself or one's actions, feelings, etc...
Syn. : calmness, composure, discipline

"Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God. You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness." -Romans 8:8-10

"So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled." -1 Thessalonians 5:6

"Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: 'Be holy, because I am holy.' " -1 Peter 1:13-16

"Be self-controlled!" Notice that it doesn't say, "Try to be self-controlled." No, this is a command, given as an imperative. We MUST learn to be self-controlled. This is not an option in a Christian's life. In order to effectively model the life of Christ and to be a strong witness we cannot be tempermental time-bombs. What do I mean by this?

Self-control is a very broad term and covers many aspects of the human life... we are taught, from a very young age, that we must have self-control (or patience) when we are hungry... we must wait for our food. We are also taught early on that we mustn't throw temper tantrums when we don't get our way... we must learn to deal with adversity in a mature manner.

However, when we get to our later years in life, we seem to forget about a lot of these concepts... we become impatient and testy when the traffic doesn't move quickly enough (oooooooooh, did I get you there?), we are quite tempted to utilize that ingenious invention of the car-horn, or to simply mutter under our breath about the lunacy of the incompetent drivers all around us... For some of us though, our tempers are most often tested in one of two places... maybe both: the workplace, or the home. The high-stress environment of work causes many of us to display very ungodly behaviors that do not coinside with our claims to Christianity, and the way we react to situations at home leave us feeling like complete hypocrites... Why?

A very simple, and yet complex, concept... Self-control has very little to do with you! Self-control has more to do with allowing God to take control of the areas in your life in which you fail the most. Our tempers, for example can be most easily controlled when we take them to God and ask that He would help us in these areas. However, do not expect to suddenly have self-control... No, most likely God will give you many many opportunities to exercise self-control. God is quite good at answering our prayers of improvement in the areas of fruit, but not in the ways that we would hope... He allows circumstances to arise in which we are tested... and from these circumstances we learn what it means to have self-control. Again, the best thing you can do is pray... pray that, in the situations that arise, God would remind you that they are opportunities for growth, and that you would see them as such.

We're going to dive much deeper into this in the next few days... For now, though, I would like you to examine yourselves and pray and ask God to show you the areas in which you need to develop self-control. If you have any specific areas you need to work on, be aware of opportunities for growth... God is faithful, and He will give you the chance to grow in these areas.
Also, know that I am right there along side of you... I'm praying too, that God would help me to be a more self-controlled person. Friends, I will admit to you, right here and now, that I struggle with self-control in many areas. I am a very tempermental person sometimes, and it disgusts me to think that I would say one thing and do another. I will be running right there with you, striving to gain a better understanding of this concept of self-control... which, if you haven't noticed, may also require a little bit of a review on patience! It's amazing how tied-together these fruits are...

Friends, pray that God will show you the areas that you do not have very good self-control in... and be ready for whatever occasions might arise for you to grow in those areas. They will come!
Until tomorrow...

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Monday, September 15, 2008

An Aside: On Darkness and Deliverance

"Turn Your footsteps toward the perpetual ruins; the enemy has damaged everything within the sanctuary." -Psalm 74:3

"Save me, O God, for the waters have threatened my life. I have sunk in deep mire, and there is no foothold; I have come into deep waters, and a flood overflows me. I am weary with my crying; my throat is parched; My eyes fail while I wait for my God." -Psalm 69:1-3

I didn't intend to deviate from the study of self-control, this morning, but I wanted to share something that the Lord has been showing me lately...

I have been going through some difficult times, this past week/weekend, and I have sunk deeper and deeper inside of myself. There is no darkness deeper and more attractive than that of self-pity... it is a cancer that eats away at your soul. I had allowed this darkness to creep in and eat away at the damaged areas of my soul. By damaged I mean, those areas that I have not trusted God with. There are several of these areas in which I was allowing myself to be swallowed by the enormousness of my troubles. They still cause pain, even now, when I dwell on them...

I have been reminded, though, of God's faithfulness. Thanks to the incredible wisdom from an unexpected source, whom I hold in highest esteem, I was reminded of the need to give everything over to God... to let go. And I was holding on! I was holding on tight, not willing to let go of the things that I loved, but that were destroying me from the inside out!

These Psalms that I have listed... they are truly the cry of my heart, right now! "I am sinking, but God! Hold me up! I can't do it without You... Turn Your footsteps toward the perpetual ruins that are my soul... my sins have damaged everything within this sanctuary. I need Your restoring power in my life... Your healing power, O God. I need You to be my All-in-All, Father..."

Have you been here before? Are you in this place right now? What darkness is eating away at your soul? Why? What steps do you need to take in order to fight this soul-eating cancer from within you? Friends, self-pity is a dangerous thing... it nearly took me last night... again, I'm so grateful for the wisdom of my friend! God puts people in our lives for a reason! Who is the voice of reason in your life? Who can help you fight the darkness that you are facing? The obvious and most reliable person is Jesus Christ, but I mean someone physically here on earth, that you could talk to and ask question. Find someone you can trust, and ask them to help you find the light again! Seek the light of day, the light of Jesus Christ, once more within yourself. Don't live in the darkness... nothing good can come of it.

I, personally, am going to be on a long road to recovery... I'm sure of it. There is no easy way out of this one! The day is practically just beginning, and yet I must already fall on my face and ask God to be my number one! I must, DAILY, call upon the Lord to be my first and foremost concern, to be my strength... to be my Healer. "O God, please hear the cries of my heart!"

Friends, I hope you believe me when I say that I am in absolute sincerity in my need for prayer, right now! I am crawling towards the light, but my tendencies are to slip back into darkness... I'm fighting this battle with all of my strength, but my strength alone is not enough! I need the strength of El-Shaddai, God Almighty!

If you are sinking in darkness, I beg you, cling to El-Shaddai! Cry out to God! Literally, cry out to Him! I took a drive, last night, and audibly cried out my frustrations and needs to God. Cry out to Him... Again, I would also encourage you to find someone, a godly influence in your life, and share your troubles with them. Seek godly counsel. I was amazed! I was just venting my frustrations to a person younger than me... and God spoke through her to bring me back to Himself! I felt like a child... but I was also acting like a child! Sometimes, though, we have to admit that we feel like a child... we are scared, frustrated, confused and don't know what to do. We need someone else to be our voice of reason. I certainly did!

Well, I hope this has encouraged you... to know that you're not the only one who goes through these struggles. I may not go through the exact same things as you, but there is someone who has... find that person and ask them to help you fight this fight. We need mentors... we need trainers in the battles of life. We were never meant to walk through life, all by ourselves, and figure out everything on our own. We are supposed to seek godly counsel.

Friends, may God be your light and your Redeemer through times of trouble. Seek His face! Don't dwell in the darkness... crawl! Run! Whatever it takes to get back to the light of Christ!

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Friday, September 12, 2008

Gentleness: A Wrap-Up

This has been a difficult week... I'm afraid I didn't do a very good job of providing continuous insight on gentleness each day this week. I guess that's because gentleness is still somewhat of a foreign concept to me... rarely, if ever, is gentleness seen as anything more than weakness. I have had to try and overcome this mindset that I must exhibit control of a situation by being demanding and persistent with people. I have had to look into the deeper parts of my soul and search for signs of gentleness... I don't know that there was much there, to begin with.

We are all good at being outwardly "gentle" in various situations. But are we really gentle people? Or are we putting on a good show so that we don't look bad to those we are with? Self-entitlement is so prevalent in America, or anywhere else for that matter, today that we seem to be nearly incapable of actually living out a gentle lifestyle. We are bombarded with the idea that you must have what you want, when you want it, how you want it. There is no alternative! How sad... How do we show the light of Christ in our lives when we become upset with our waitress and let her and everyone else know it? I've seen it happen... pitiful! A grown man behaving like a child because he wants to be served first!!

How do we show the light of Christ to our friends when we get upset with our brothers and sisters (husband or wife), and demand our way or berate them? What part of gentleness says that tearing people down with words is okay? I haven't seen that part... I've only seen where we are supposed to die unto ourselves...

Friends, I have a long way to go with gentleness... I am the least qualified to demonstrate this quality of the Christian life. However, I desire to change... I want to be more like the Christ that I preach! I want to be able to demonstrate all of the fruits of the Spirit to such a degree that people can't talk to me without wondering what makes me so different! And I don't want to just demonstrate them, but actually have them be a part of my everyday life, my personal life. I don't want it to be a show. I'm pretty sure God hates it when we try to set ourselves up as con-Christians. Perfect in the eyes of the church and our friends, despicable in the eyes of our families... the ones who see the person that we really are and mock what we pretend to be!

I hope that you too will desire change. I hope that you are as tired of the falseness and the dirty feeling from living a double-life. There's a certain despair that comes from this lifestyle... when we feel like we're really good at being good when we are around others, but can't seem to be good when we're with the ones we are supposed to love the most! That's because we are trying to "fix" things in our own strength! We are not giving it up to Christ, and admitting that we are failures on our own! This is the first step in becoming more like Christ... admitting that you are weak and need His help, then giving over control in these areas of your life. It's hard, but as I've said before, it's not supposed to be easy to follow Christ. That's why He calls us to take up our crosses, daily, and follow Him. We wouldn't need a cross if we didn't have things in our lives that needed crucifying, daily!

Friends, I look forward to next week... though again it is not an area that I am very well equipped in. I look forward to the convictions of what we will find. I look forward to understanding, better than I do now, what I must change in my life to be more like Christ.
Have a great weekend, and God bless!

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hurricane Ike... not gentle!

My mind is overrun with the necessary preparations for the upcoming storm in Central Texas... we are supposed to be getting somewhere around 5-6 inches of rain and 50-60mph winds! So, please pray for us, but more for the people of Beaumont and East Texas that have been issued evacuation notices due to the storm.
I cannot help but wonder if these storms are forms of God's judgement on our nation because of our wickedness. And I believe that we deserve it! Yes... it is unfortunate to witness or be a part of catastrophe, but we as a nation have removed ourselves from under the protection of our God by turning to the idols of money, fame, sex, movies, entertainment... we have fallen. Does this sound too harsh to you? Trust me... we deserve a lot worse than we get, most of the time! Just because we are taught that we "deserve the best that life has to offer" doesn't mean it's true. We live in OVERABUNDANCE! We gorge ourselves on pleasure, we forget and forsake those who are in need. Yes, we deserve to be punished...
"Father, forgive us our wickedness, and turn our eyes once again towards You! We have forgotten... we have failed You... but You are faithful. Please restore us to You, as a nation, as individuals, as a people that have been blessed time and time again! We need You... God, let us not forget the calling on our lives... To serve You, and to "look after orphans and widows in their distress" for this is what You have called "pure and undefiled religion" in Your sight. Father we have rejected and forgotten those whom You have told us to bless in Your name... we have sinned in our neglect. Please give us a passion and a desire to completely abolish the hunger issues that we see around us. You can do it, Father, we have faith in You and Your ability to work through us! Lord, that we would feed the hungry, look after the sick, give water to the thirsty, clothe the naked, visit those who are in prison... for these reasons will You say to us on the day of Judgement, 'Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.' (Matthew 25:34-36)
"Lord, I want to serve You! I want to worship as You have called worship! This is my desire, Lord, to honor You with all of my heart, strength, soul, and mind. May Your words never depart from my lips, but may I be a light unto the world for all to see, at all times."

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Gentleness: Restoring Others... gently

"Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted." -Galatians 6:1

This one verse is probably enough for today... Here we address the issue of conflict from within a believer. Unfortunately, most of the time, this conflict then spreads outward as the situation is addressed. How do you deal with sin in a brother- or sister-in-Christ? Paul says we should do it gently... of course I don't think that he means we should be timid or fearful of addressing the situation. No, we should not fear the situation, but rather we should fear for the soul of the person that we must confront. That is why we must confront them with compassion and understanding of the struggles of sin. We, as Christians, are not exempt from being tempted, but we are called to resist temptations, however, there are those things in each of our lives that we stumble over time and time again! This is where we need someone to come along side of us and restore us with compassion, wisdom, understanding... have you had one of these kinds of people in your life?
Maybe you had trouble with anger... and someone came along side of you saying, "Hey, I know what it's like to have issues with anger, but here's how I learned to deal with it... I give it all to God. I do business with God and He does business with my anger issues."
The scenarios are limitless, of course, and I could not hope to cover everything right here and now, but I hope you get the point I'm trying to make. We need people in the church, in the workplace, at school and on the streets who can come along side those who are hurt and hurting others... those who don't have peace and are stuck in the deepest pits of life. We need people of compassion, with gentleness and understanding, wisdom and tact in speech and action...

I don't think I've ever seen a person turn their life around because someone yelled at them, "You need to get your act together! Jesus hates your sin! He hates the way that you live!!!" Now... I'm not going to rule out the fact that God is Sovereign and can use any situation for His will, but as far as typical effectiveness in restoring someone goes... it's not likely that you would have much success at changing a person's life with a speech quite like that!

We must learn to deal in gentleness in everything that we do, but especially if we are bringing someone else's sin to their attention. It must be done in love... that is ultimately what must take place. You must show them that you actually care about their well-being and their spiritual growth in Christ. You must be willing to come along side of them... to hold their hand, if necessary, and be there for them every step of the way. Provide the accountability that creates responsibility in a person. And when they fall back down, be the first to reach out and pull them back up, once again, in love! Persistence, mixed with patience... this is the gentleness of restoration that Paul talks about!

I'm afraid that's all I have for today... I hope this has stirred some ideas in you, about how to deal with those whom you might know that are living in sin. Think about ways to restore, gently, those whom you must address. And also, think about how you react when people try to tell you about something that you might be doing wrong... if they are coming to you in gentleness, search your heart for what they are saying, and seek to make any changes that might be necessary to get yourself back on track with God!

Friends, may God bless you as you continue to grow in Him!

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Gentleness: Surrendering Self-Entitlement

"A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." -Proverbs 15:1

"Let your gentle spirit be known to all men." -Philippians 4:5a

"Who among you is wise and understanding? Let him show by his good behavior his deeds in the gentleness of wisdom." -James 3:13

"But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy." -James 3:17

I would like to just take some time and re-read all of these verses... Just drink deep of what we are seeing here... Once again we see wisdom and gentleness teaming up together to form a bond of unity in a person's life and in his or her response to others. "A gentle answer turns away wrath..."

For me personally, I have struggled with gentleness... I still struggle with gentleness. My brothers and sisters are a great source of practice for me, but I most often fail in the exercise of love and patience, kindness and gentleness... Why? Because I have not yet learned to completely rely on God, to rest in His promises, and to meditate on them day and night.

If I were more constantly reminded of gentleness, I would be less likely to fly off at the handle when my siblings do something that I don't want them to do. If I was so saturated in the will of God for my life, instead of allowing myself to be distracted by the problems of the here and now, then I would probably be more attentive to my attitude and how I relate to others.

There have been times, in the past few weeks, where I have spent days at a time meditating on kindness, on love, on peace in Christ... and those are the days that have been the most productive in growing in my relationship with God and with others. When I remind myself, throughout the day, that God's desire is for me to be like Christ in everything, then I think and pray constantly for His help in the areas of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

I remember the week we were studying kindness... I would go to work in the mornings and begin to pray aloud, as I was working, for God to develop in me character that would glorify Him. During that week I had several opportunities to demonstrate kindness... and I was more aware of other people's needs. He will answer when we call.

So, here's my challenge to you... meditate on gentleness. Where do you struggle the most with being a gentle witness of Christ's influence in your life? Where does your patience meet it's greatest failures? These are the times, the places, where you must be the most intentional about exercising gentleness, patience, peace... Don't let the old sin nature have it's way... you have died to sin... remember? How can we live in it any longer?

I'm afraid I have strayed a bit from my original intention for today's blog, but I want you to understand the importance of not simply hearing what is said about God and then walking away... No, you must actually apply and strive for what is seen in the Scriptures. We are told to bear fruit...

So, getting back to gentleness, I wanted to look at what it means to be gentle in dealing with others, today. More specifically, to be gentle in dealing with adversity...

It's hard, sometimes, to let something go... especially when you feel like someone is being rude just to get on your nerves! Breath deep! Exhale... "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger..." Remember these words when you're tempted to retaliate. I am not very good at applying this to my own life! I think gentleness is one of the areas that I need the most work in. Actually... I'm SURE gentleness is one of the areas I need the most work in!

I had an opportunity, last night, to exercise gentleness and patience with one of my siblings... It was hard! But thanks be to God, because I had spent time meditating on Him and His Word earlier that day, I carefully and calmly addressed the difference of opinion between us and was able to come to an agreement with my brother. The issue? ...not important! haha You thought you were going to get something out of me! The issue was ridiculous, which made it all the more difficult for me to restrain myself from getting angry with my brother. However, God has a very good memory of the things that we pray for and gently reminded me of my request for gentleness in my own life.

Gentleness, for me, has ultimately been a sacrificing of what I feel I am entitled to. If my siblings aren't doing exactly what I would have them to do... gentleness looks something like: Presenting my suggestions in a loving manner and then... stepping back and allowing them to make their own decisions. "But," you might ask, "What about if they are being completely irrational?" Are you being irrational in your expectation of your siblings, wife/husband, or co-workers? Consider their angle on things... Are you just being demanding? If there is a genuine issue, deal with it in patience... it will be hard, but we must not let our tempers win the day.

Some people would say that gentleness is too much like being a push-over. Perhaps, but that's because we live in a world where we have been taught to push and shove our way to the front of the line, to the top of the peak... But I don't see that anywhere in the Scriptures. No, I see Christ, washing His disciple's feet... humbling Himself to the position of a servant... This is our role-model! Here is our King! He has made Himself the lowliest of men... and He has called us to do the same! Push-over? That's only because there are people that are pushing! And understand this about those people... they are pushing to the front because they are searching... they haven't found true purpose in what was right in front of them... This should cause us to pity them! When you are "pushed over" remember that Christ has already been pushed! When you are beaten down, most likely by words, remember that Christ has already been beaten as well... with words, fists, whips...

Friends, modeling Christ looks nothing like the success of the world... it's hard. Gentleness is HARD! But modeling Christ is the greatest thing that we could ever hope to accomplish in this life. It is our calling, it is our duty, it is our greatest joy! Therefore, practice gentleness in all that you do. Be self-giving instead of selfish... and pray for those who are pushing you down... pray that they would come to understand that what they are truly searching for is found only in Jesus Christ. I leave you with these thoughts for today...

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Monday, September 8, 2008

Gentleness: An Overview and a Slight Detour!

"What do you desire? Shall I come to you with a rod, or with love and a spirit of gentleness?" - 1 Corinthians 4:21

"Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted." -Galatians 6:1

"Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." -Ephesians 4:1-3

Gentleness... there are so many things that I want to try and cover in this study! I'm hoping, though, not to cover everything in today's overview, or else I won't have anything to blog about for the rest of the week. So, I'll probably keep today's overview kind of short...

We, as Christians, are called to gentleness. Aggressive behavior does not accomplish anything towards us being peacemakers or effective witnesses to others. Does gentleness mean that we have to be pushovers? No! But it is a denial of self... letting things go... and also not jumping on other people for things.

Ultimately, gentleness is a sister of Wisdom. As believers, we need to pray that God would give us wisdom and tact in situations where we will be addressing issues with other people. Wisdom, because we do not want to appear foolish or hypocritical when we approach someone to give constructive criticism. Which, by the way, is the only kind of criticism that we as believers should give... we should never tear someone down just for the sake of doing so. But when we point out the areas in a person's life that need change, we must also point to the Savior, who is capable of making that change in their lives, and His Word, which holds the instructions and keys for godly behavior. This is gentleness...

So, we want to have wisdom in order to point people in the right direction! And we must also have tact, which is the ability to know when and where to deal with certain issues or situations. Sometimes it is not the best idea to address a situation while it is in mid-motion... catching a fool in his folly, so to speak, can lead to extreme defensiveness on the part of the listener... So, tact is knowing when to address an issue and how to present the problem without being condemning or overly-critical... this is gentleness.

Friends, I'm excited to jump in and study this concept of gentle behavior towards our fellow believers as well as non-believers, but right now... I would like for us to take some time and pray that God would give us Wisdom and Tact. I would ask you, please pray for me, that God would give me wisdom as I search the Scriptures and then relate my findings to you. I would be inexpressibly grateful for your prayers!

Pray for yourselves, as well, that God would give you a heart that desires Him and that glorifies Him through your actions and words. This is what gentleness does, you know... it is a testimony to the power of God in our lives. This is what each of these fruits that we've studied is about! That we might look more like Jesus to those around us! People will be curious about how you have such love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and such self-control in your life... where does it all come from? And there is your opportunity to point them towards the cross... in gentleness, with wisdom and tact!

Friends, may God bless you as you seek Him this day! Until tomorrow...

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Friday, September 5, 2008

Faithfulness: It's Hard...

"Help, LORD, for the godly man ceases to be, for the faithful disappear from among the sons of men." -Psalm 12:1

"For their heart was not steadfast toward Him, nor were they faithful in His covenant." -Psalm 78:37

"I have chosen the faithful way;I have placed Your ordinances before me." -Psalm 119:30

"Lying lips are an abomination to the LORD,But those who deal faithfully are His delight." -Proverbs 12:22

"The LORD'S lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness. 'The LORD is my portion,' says my soul, 'therefore I have hope in Him.' " -Lamentations 3:22-24

"He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much." -Luke 16:10

"No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it." -1 Corinthians 10:13

As I think about faithfulness, this morning, I'm nearly overwhelmed by my past dealings in unfaithfulness... I think about how hard it is to actually stick to what you say sometimes! My brother and I volunteered to lead a time of worship, through music, at a camp this past summer... eight weeks of loading and unloading every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday night... We said we would do it! It was hard, but we were faithful to our word... but it's not always this way, is it? No, sometimes I allow the difficulty of a situation to overwhelm me, and I slowly-but-surely crumble beneath the load.

Do you feel what I feel: that intense desire to give in at times? To throw in the towel and call it quits?

My faithfulness is weak... and yet, my God has said that no temptation has overtaken me except which are common to man... I'm not recieving any "special temptations." I just let the weight of the moment overwhelm my faith that God can get me through ANY situation... such weakness on my part.

Thankfully, God's faithfulness is not limited to our being faithful to Him, but He is faithful even when we are not! He has promised a way of escape, through the blood of His Son, and we must lean on Him in the times when everything else is crashing down around us.

Just remember... Christ died, once and for all, for the sins of the world. There is no sin that you can commit that has not been covered by the mercy and grace of our Savior's sacrifice. However, we must not continue in our sins! Paul says in Romans 6:1, "What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?" It is true that we must not continue in sin, but when you do sin it is also important to confess these sins to God... "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9).

Confession of sins is the first step in returning to faithfulness in our relationship with Christ. Of course, confession doesn't mean to simply say, "Yeah, Lord, please forgive me for sinning today..." No! This type of confession is the type that you say, for example, "God, I am a liar! I have sinned against You by not upholding the truth in all that I say and do. Please forgive me, Father. Please help me to stop lying... I want to be a truthful messenger of Your Word!" Get specific between you and God about what sins are affecting your life. Confess your struggles to Him. He is faithful and righteous to forgive you of your sins, but you must first bring them to Him and forsake them at the foot of the cross. Lay your burdens at the feet of Him who has saved you out of your sins... He is faithful, He is loving, He is true to His Word and He will forgive you and make you clean again!

Friends, this is our first step in becoming faithful servants of the Mighty God that we call Father! Faithfulness is not something that we can accomplish through our own efforts, but is cultivated in our relationship with God, through the Holy Spirit, and through Him changing our hearts as we study His Word and draw closer to Him. Only then will we truly understand and desire faithfulness.

So, take some time, today, to get right with the God of the Universe! Don't spend another day in unfaithfulness towards the God who has been faithful to you since before you were born! Reconcile yourself to Him, at the foot of the cross. Don't waste another minute in complacency. Become the Spirit-filled, fruit-bearing witness of Christ's saving grace that you were meant to be! Be faithful men and women, clinging to the Word of God as your guide to all faithfulness and righteousness.

Friends, I hope this week has blessed you, challenged you, and convicted you as much as it has me! I now see many more ways in which I need to grow! And with the help of God I will grow! Have a great weekend, and live in the faithfulness of God's Word!

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Faithfulness: Some Thoughts

"Wives, be subject to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church, He Himself being the Savior of the body. But as the church is subject to Christ, so also the wives ought to be to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her,
so that He might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, that He might present to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself..."
-Ephesians 5:22-28

"I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the truth. Beloved, you are acting faithfully in whatever you accomplish for the brethren, and especially when they are strangers; and they have testified to your love before the church." -3John 1:4-6a

"Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, so that you will be tested, and you will have tribulation for ten days be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life." -Revelation 2:10

"These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful." -Revelation 17:14

I want to take a slightly different direction than the one we've been on the past two days. We've looked at God's faithfulness to us, even in our unfaithfulness, and we've looked at how we should respond to Him. Now I would like to shift gears and focus on our faithfulness to others.

Our witness to others is going to be heavily affected by our faithfulness to our words and convictions. It is so damaging to a person's reputation when they say one thing and do another... not only is it damaging to that person's reputation, but if they are claiming the name of Christ then they are damaging the other person's view of Christianity. People will often say, "Yeah, I know some people who are Christians... they aren't any different than me." Or I've even heard, "Yeah, those Christians are more messed up and more evil than I am!"

Human beings tend to judge their spiritual standings based on works... they are stuck in the Law and are not living under the Grace of God. However, they do have one thing right... our actions speak volumes about us. When we say we love God and that we are Christians, and then we do things that are completely contrary the commands of Scripture... what messed up message are we giving to our unsaved friends and co-workers?

Not only actions, but also our words condemn us! We say we love God, but then we spout off problems in our marriages or problems with brothers and sisters, parents, teachers or whatever the case may be. We act more frustrated, more angry, less self-controlled and all around crazy! For example:

I have a friend who is a walking contradiction! She will say one thing to me, about loving God and God loving her, and then the next minute I hear her telling someone all about feng shui and harmony with nature! She talks about going to church and learning about God, and then I hear her yelling on the phone and cursing to whomever is on the other end of the line...

My friend's case may seem to be one of extreme measures, but I think we are all capable of such bold contradictions. If you claim to be different than others because of what Christ has done in your life, then people are going to watch you, carefully, and see what it is that is different about you. Most of time, unfortunately, they end up saying, "I thought so..." Why? Why can't we be men and women of our word?

Here's the point! Hang with me! I took a long time getting here, but now we're getting to the point, so hang with me a little while longer...

We are not faithful witnesses, because we still look and act just like the world... we get frustrated with our marriages, so we give up... we get frustrated with our children's behavior, so we let them go their own ways... WE DON'T LOOK ANY DIFFERENT!!! We blow up when things don't go according to plan, we fall apart! We aren't faithful...

Friends, here is the point... in order to ever be effective witnesses to others, not to mention in order to be faithful followers of Christ, we must live our lives as people that are set apart... people that are different! We must hold STRONGLY to the commands of Scripture! We must persevere! When things get tough, we have to lean heavily on our Saviors arm, but we cannot give in and become like the rest of the world or we will lose our effectiveness as witnesses for the kingdom of Christ. If we fall apart, they will see us as being no different from anyone else and say, "It's not worth it to live like that... they do the same things I do anyways!"

Let me tell you something! Church is a waste of time on a Sunday afternoon, IF we are not going to be changed by what we hear, and are not going to make a difference for the cause of Christ. That's what faithfulness is... it's being changed by what you hear and then remaining changed and not reverting back to your old ways. Faithfulness says, "I have come this far, by the Grace of God, and I'm never going back!!!"

Faithfulness says, "I said that I would be with you until the day I die, and I meant it! I might not always feel like I love you, but that's not what matters. What matters is that this is a God-ordained union and I'm going to stand by you, with the help of our Savior, and we're going to make it through this struggle together!"

Friends, this is what the world will see and what will cause them to wonder! This is where heart-change takes place in the lives of our unsaved friends! When they see the unmistakable difference in our lives, and hear our mouths proclaim the name of Christ! Faithfulness is the difference between us and the world around us. This is where we make our stand!

I urge you, therefore, to examine the areas of your life which are lacking in faithfulness... Begin with your faithfulness to time spent alone with God. How faithful are you in your time spent with God? And I don't mean going to church on a Sunday morning...

How faithful are you towards your husband or wife? Are you tempted to "make casual conversation" with someone at work because things aren't going so well at home. Don't be fooled! This path is never the one that God would have us to take! I don't care what you think about how this person or that person makes you feel! It's all a lie and, when everything comes crashing down, it may be too late for you to ever restore your relationship with your spouse. Be faithful to the one that God has given you! Even when love seems scarce, remain faithfully devoted to one another. This is a God-honoring marriage... the one that goes through the rocky parts of life and comes out refined and stronger than it was before! This is the faithfulness that will cause others who witness your struggles to scratch their heads and ask, "What do you have that I don't? Why couldn't I persevere through the same struggles?" This is your opportunity to preach what you practice... which is exactly the order in which we should do things!

I could go on and on about all of the areas in which we should be faithful to our families or to our word, but I don't want to generate a list... that is not my intention. I do not want you to think that faithfulness is limited to a list that I give you, but I would rather that you examine yourself and your individual circumstances to determine what areas you need to work on faithfulness in.

That being said, I will leave you to meditate on what I've said this morning. Re-read the verses I put at the top of today's blog... find more verses that speak on faithfulness... Do whatever it takes to get right with God and to start being a faithful servant of the Word. This is what I'm going to do... I pray and plead with you to join me.

Grace and Peace!

Questions or Comments? E-mail me at .